Home Made Tortillas – Success!

Every time I shop on Allergy Train, I find something new. Last time it was Miss Roben’s Tortilla Mix. Its Fructose Friendly, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Wheat Free, Low Salicylates, Low Amines, Low Glutamates and RPAH Strict Elimination Diet Suitable.Prior to Oscar’s diagnosis a regular meal in our house was tortillas/burritos/tacos – the kind that comes in a box with the salsa and seasoning and you cook the meat and add some lettuce, cheese, tomato, etc. I’ve missed them, so when I saw this product I thought I’d give it a try. Of course we can’t have the spicy seasoning or the salsa, so I found recipes for chicken meatballs and refried beans, and we had cheese, lettuce, tomato (not for Oscar) and sour cream. It was a bit of work to put it all together, but I made the meatballs and beans earlier in the day and put them in the fridge until I … Continue reading