Review: Oscar’s Lunch Box

This week we bought a new book for Oscar – Oscar’s Lunch Box. Its a fantastic book about a little boy, called Oscar, who has food intolerances. Oscar gets upset when he starts school and discovers that the other kids have much more colourful and interesting lunch boxes than he does. He hates that he has food intolerances, and using the analogy of a racing car need a special formula, Oscar’s mum explains to him how to listen to his body and learn which foods are the best for him, and that everyone has their own special formula. The book is written by Pam Houssenloge, who’s own son has food intolerances. You can get more details on her website, Well Connected Kids, where you can buy the book online ($19.95 plus postage) or find a local stockist. I found a review of this book in the latest Failsafe Newsletter, and … Continue reading