Rye Fruit Pancakes

Rye Fruit Pancakes

Serves 4
Prep time 10 minutes
Cook time 10 minutes
Total time 20 minutes
Allergy / Intolerance Amines, Artificial Addititives, Artificial Colours, Dairy, Glutamates, Preservatives, Salicylates
Suitable for Dairy / Lactose Free, RPAH Elimination Diet - Low Chemical / Failsafe
Meal type Breakfast, Dessert, Sweet Things
Misc Child Friendly, Pre-preparable, Serve Hot, Serve Warm
A fun twist on pancakes with fruit. Rye flour pancakes.


  • Butter or Nuttelex (for cooking)
  • 4 thin slices of fruit (Refer to note)


  • 1/2 cup rye flour (sifted)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (Refer to recipe)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup milk or rice milk


1. Combine the ingredients for the pancakes and whisk until well combined.
2. Melt a little butter or Nuttelex in a frying pan, and once bubbling pour 1/4 cup pancake mixture in. Add a slice of fruit on top.
3. When the pancake is bubbling on top and brown on the bottom, flip it over and cook for another 30-60 seconds until the bottom side is brown.
4. Serve.


Low Chemical / Failsafe

Use any fruit that is tolerated - ripe pears for low chemical/FAILSAFE.

I make my own baking power, it's easy - the recipe is here.

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