A Salicylate Challenge – Apricot or Peach Breakfast Oats

Summer would have to be the best time to do a salicylate challenge – so many delicious fruits that we have had to steer clear of are back on the menu (even if briefly). We have four stone fruit trees in our garden – apricots peaches and nectarines, as well as a mulberry tree that has become prolific in the years since we discovered Oscar’s salicylate intolerance! Hubby and I usually eat these fruits in secret and give away as much as we can. This year we have let Oscar try these fruits when he has asked (limited to one a day), which has only been a few times. He says he likes them, but has only come back for more once (with the peaches). There’s been no reactions, but that’s not so surprising since his tolerance does seem to be increasing still (possibly in line with his growth – he’s a tall … Continue reading