No-Tomato Sauce & Nectarine and Sour Cream Cake

Welcome back for 2012. It’s been a busy time in the kitchen at Oscar’s house this summer. We’ve had a breakthrough with vegetables, with Oscar suddenly eating orange ones (carrot and sweet potato) without complaint, and even some greens ones! I’ve been putting them into more meals to keep his interest up – salads, sweet potato fries, spring rolls. My big success in the kitchen was to make a sauce for Oscar that could compete with the tomato sauce that everyone else, including his mum and dad, eat. And I did it! It tastes like tomato sauce and looks like the home made tomato sauce my mum and hubby make, but it has no tomatoes and only moderate salicylates. The recipe is below and is very versatile. We’ve tried it in various ways and has become an new addition to regular week night recipes. We’ve also had another go at … Continue reading