Fiji and Sour Cream Banana Muffins

Two weeks ago we were in Fiji for an 8 night holiday. For most families this is not unusual, but travelling with a child with food intolerances has a few unique challenges. This isn’t the first time we’ve taken Oscar overseas, 18 months ago we went to Vietnam, and the success of that trip has given us the confidence to continue to take him travelling. However, we may have to rethink the tropical destinations for awhile. A heat rash turned into eczema, which was very uncomfortable for him and required steroid treatment to clear it up. But it didn’t affect his overall attitutde to the holiday, which was very positive. He had a great time, and wore himself out swimming and playing at Kids Club. He told me on the plane home (before it had even taken off) that he missed Fiji. As with the Vietnam trip, quite a … Continue reading