Gnocchi – and I didn’t have to make it!

Since cutting out artificial additives, preservatives and colours, I’ve been surprised by how many “fresh” packaged foods (the ones in the refrigerated section of the supermarket) we had been eating that contain these nasties. One example is gnocchi, which I have missed. Until now! I have finally found a fresh gnocchi that has no artificial nasties and it is Oscar-friendly as well. The manufacturer is The Element The Ingredient and I found this Traditional Potato Gnocchi at Maxi. The ingredients are potatoes, white wheat flour, vegetable oil, salt and and pepper. The pepper (very high salicylates) is going to be such a small amount that Oscar’s not likely to react to it, and the potatoes, not knowing the variety, would be moderate salicylates. We’ve been having the gnocchi with a vegetable and chicken based sauce that we make from left over roast chicken and vegetables, with a bit of … Continue reading