Fridge Biscuits

There are plenty of recipes around for fridge, or refrigerator, biscuits and they don’t need to be modified for Oscar’s diet, however they did come in very handy recently, so I’ve decided to add them to the blog. Oscar’s day care centre has cooking activities for the kids, so whenever Oscar attends on a cooking day I have to check beforehand whether he can eat what is being cooked or discuss with the staff modifying the recipe for him. Recently, the kids were making coconut biscuits, not OK for Oscar because of the desiccated coconut. The alternative was for me to bring in some biscuit dough for him to make his own biscuits – which is where the fridge biscuits come in. Obviously I only needed to send in enough for 2 or 3 biscuits, and I didn’t really want to have to make a full batch of biscuits for home, … Continue reading