Final Post Before Christmas: Finnish Christmas Stars

This is my last post before Christmas and my last recipe until at least mid-January. I’m going to finish of the year with some Finnish Christmas Stars (I didn’t realise that pun until just now 🙂 ) that I made to take to our street party. Finnish Christmas Stars (Joulutorttu) are very to easy to make, you can use any kind of pastry and any kind of filling. Traditionally they are made with plum or prune jam, but that was out. I could have just used pear or apple jam, but I wanted something a bit more festive, so I made up a pear filling with brown sugar, citric acid and maple syrup. I also used a few saffron threads to get a deeper colour into the mix, but you can leave this out. My pears were getting to that almost too ripe point (where they become tasteless) so … Continue reading