Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and White Bean Stew (Slow Cooker)

My slow cooker has been getting a real work out the past few weeks. Oscar has given up his day time sleeps (sob!) and is just a mess by the time he gets home from day care. One of our strategies to combat this has been to make sure we have dinner right on 6 o’clock so that we can get him into bed earlier. He has always been a night owl with a 8.30/9 pm bedtime for the last 2 or more years, but that won’t work any more. Hence the slow cooker has been in weekly use. I only work 3 days a week so we use the slow cooker once or twice a week and with leftovers we have those 3 nights covered. It’s wonderful to come home and smell dinner, especially when the house is cold, it just feels warmer on those nights. We prepare the … Continue reading