Fluffy Spelt Pancakes

Fluffy Spelt Pancakes

Serves 4
Prep time 20 minutes
Cook time 25 minutes
Total time 45 minutes
Allergy / Intolerance Amines, Artificial Addititives, Artificial Colours, Dairy, Glutamates, Preservatives, Salicylates
Suitable for Amines Challenge, Dairy / Lactose Free, RPAH Elimination Diet - Amines Allowed, RPAH Elimination Diet - Low Chemical / Failsafe, RPAH Elimination Diet - Moderate Chemical, Salicylate Challenge, Salicylates & Amines
Meal type Breakfast, Dessert, Sweet Things
Misc Serve Hot, Serve Warm
Easy, healthy spelt pancakes.


  • 150g spelt flour (sifted)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (Refer to note)
  • 3/4 cups milk + 1 tablespoon (Refer to note)
  • pinch (sea salt)
  • 1 pear (peeled)
  • 1 egg
  • butter or Nuttelex (for cooking)


1. Add the flour, milk, egg and salt in a mixing bowl and whisk until smooth.
2. Grate the pear and stir into the batter.
3. Heat a large frying pan over medium heat. Melt a knob of butter in the pan then add the batter a spoonful at a time. You should be able to cook about 3 at once.
4. Cook for a few minutes until they are golden on the bottom. Flip over and cook for a few minutes on the other side.
5. Serve straight away with your favourite toppings.


Low Chemical / Failsafe

Makes 8 pancakes


  1. Replace the pear with half a cup of apple sauce (made with Red or Golden Delicious apples apple sauce is moderate salicylates) or a mashed banana (amines).
  2. Replace the milk with rice milk and use Nuttelex for a dairy free version.
  3. Replace the milk with buttermilk.


I make my own baking powder - click here for the recipe.

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